Aaron Thornburg
Business and Law
I want to magnify the value and the impact our expertise – and our dollars – brings to marginalized communities, so as to help people better help themselves to live meaningful and dignified lives.
Monika Goforth
Rural Development
I'm inspired by community led movements and want to help them succeed in their visions for a healthier, happier life.
Nadine Pirker
Solar PV Design
I want to help more people access sustainable energy solutions to mitigate climate change and improve quality of life for people most affected by it.
Heather Thomson
Community Development
I see the power of intercultural solidarity for sustainable development as a key approach for a regenerative society in the age of climate change.
Katharine Sapper
I am a life-long volunteer and donor for social projects in Guatemala. Amplifying community leadership bridges the gap and brings peace and prosperity to our society.
AmandA Brush
I'm passionate about the power of philanthropy to bring good into this world. I am particularly moved when I see the benefits changing lives in front of my eyes.
by Domenic/23 April 2017
by Domenic/23 April 2017
by Domenic/23 April 2017
+1 200 461-111-2178